Digital Trends 2021, Let’s face it, new media, as we know it has changed lives.
I don’t know someone who in a way, doesn’t do multimedia stuff.
Have you?
Thanks to the Internet, digital and social media have broken boundaries, how we communicate, and how we distribute results, like news. These days, disruption takes place at such a fast rate that you still have to decipher the tea leaves to stay successful. And it involves the disruption of digital and social media.
What are the patterns that you need to keep an eye out for in the coming year?
- Augmented reality: The very concept of “reality” is starting to shift now. Elon Musk, Tesla’s founder, has implied that we will exist in a world where we will not be able to say the difference at any point. Augmented reality mixes with an alternative or added reality provided to us by modern technologies and GPS, the true world we see around us every day. Last year’s Pokemon Go craze convinced us that the future of virtual reality was here. See more virtual reality joining the realms of digital and social media.
- Virtual reality: Virtual reality is a three-dimensional computer-generated universe that can be accessed, usually with a headset of some kind, such as a helmet or goggles. The largest augmented reality firm, Oculus, owns Facebook, which has had a huge verdict against it to pay the gaming company ZeniMax $500 million. Digital reality is big business, considering the legal situation, and companies are working fast to put themselves as experts in creating ways for those of us to reach other worlds. Digital Trends 2021
- Live video: I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen a lot of live Facebook video updates. When Facebook Live was unveiled in 2016, young and old people immediately pressed the “Live” button and I saw my friends all of a sudden in their kitchens or on the beach. Look for this to only escalate as individuals grow more relaxed sharing their lives on social networking sites, including Facebook, the social media giant.
- Social media shopping: Without compromising the user interface, sites like Facebook and Instagram have done an outstanding job of incorporating ads. It is going to continue this integration. On social media networks, you can find more advertising and marketplaces as customers make more of their sales within these channels. Digital Trends 2021
- Organic promotion: Organic influence is increasingly being throttled by social media sites, the kind of promotion that marketers have been able to get to their fans and backers merely by sharing. Only if the social media companies such as Facebook, seek to build channels so that consumers linger longer and longer, can the constraint on brand marketing continue. Let’s face it. Businesses are these. The willingness of marketers to advertise followers without paying a premium would continue to degrade sites such as Facebook.